Sunday, November 13, 2016

Partner In My Education

Throughout this processes, I have found that I have not only furthered my knowledge regarding the field of journalism, but I have also deepened my understanding of many life skills. Through this manner, my mentor has not only helped me develop as an intern within her company; she has guided me along my educational path. Despite any trials or tribulations I have faced, she always has helped me to grow from them and learn how to do better.
One of the goals I developed just recently was to better manage my time, so that my work can be done quickly and efficiently while also being expressed in the best quality as possible. Since this is a fairly new goal, however, I have only made a little bit of progress. What I have seen, though, is that setting this new goal has helped me get more organized in all parts of my life and has pushed me to be a better writer for my mentor. The quality and effectiveness of my articles has, in turn, been preserved, and I've been able to alleviate some of the pressure off of my mentor. By getting things done on time, communicating effectively with her, and making sure that my work is of sufficient quality, it has made her job easier as my mentor.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Mentorship Write Up Assignment: A Look into My New World

 My Player Profile: Since I was able to put a pen to the paper, I have found myself feverishly writing as much as I possibly could. Whether it be for leisure, practicality, or even- dare I say it- school work, I always found the words marked themselves on my paper with ease; hardly ever was there a time in which I seriously had to think about an approach to my writing. I loved it so much, that the actual process of sitting down, thinking, and eventually writing became painless in all of its simplicity. As I continued to grow up, however, I found my time to be very limited; day-to-day responsibilities seemed to constrain my creativity to an uncomfortable extent. In finding the Honors Mentorship Program, however, I was finally able to find an outlet to express my love of writing within the time frame of school hours! As soon as I heard back from the program, finding out that I had been accepted, there was hardly a doubt in my mind as to what field in which I would specialize. Because of this program, I am allowed to not only able to gain experiences that will help my career in the future, but I am also able to pursue and deepen my love of writing.

My Mentorship: Through the Honors Mentorship Program, I have been given the privilege to work with Rachael at Cumming Local. Because this business doesn't have a set headquarters, I get to have the experience of working at home, as well as meeting with my mentor various times throughout each month. I am even able to write articles every other week and have them posted on the business's blog!
My Future: Next year, I plan on either going through with this program again, or possibly even interning with Cumming Local outside of the educational environment. I've wholeheartedly come to love this process, and am furthering my interest with my passion for writing every day! This experience has prepared me to take on the world, and has given me more of a sense of direction regarding my possible career choices. Because of the Honors Mentorship Program, I have learned to better manage my time, communicate more efficiently with my teachers and my mentors, and how to more effectively write in certain settings. Because of this program, I am ready to tackle whatever life may throw at me next.